Essay 2: Understanding the Essence of Work

Essay 2: Understanding the Essence of Work

Recently, I published the first in a series on “The Gifts of Work.”  I appreciate all the claps and feedback on it! Upon reflection and in response to many of the conversations that followed, a followup essay was released moments ago. Check it out now:...

Highlights on The New Age of Work

I’ve spent decades helping teams build great companies. For the past 10 years, I’ve also been exploring ideas about the value of work. It’s a topic I’m passionate about. To share this new thinking with you, here is the first of a series of...
Taking Your Business to the “Next Level”

Taking Your Business to the “Next Level”

For several weeks now we have been drilling into the notion of time span capacity and some of the key implications related to your Accountability Chart. As you may recall, I think time span is a BIG IDEA with some huge implications. Today, I want to talk about one of...